Edward Coughlin

About Me

To learn more about me, including my professional education and philosophy on health and healing, please go to the "Contact Me" page and send me a message. I'd be happy to tell you anything you'd like to know. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.

Shrfu Coughlin has studied with Master Kao since
1995. Under Master Kao, Coughlin has studied Hsing-I
Chuan, Xi Sui Gong, Cheng Man Chang Tai Ji, Chen style
Tai Ji, Chen Pan Ling Tai Ji, Ba Gua Zhang, Xiao Jiu Tian, weapons, Taoist meditation, bone-setting and medicine.
Shrfu Coughlin is one of only four of Master Kao’s
“indoor” students. On Jan. 11, 2003, in a formal ceremony called a “pai shi,” Shrfu Coughlin was made a 35th generation
disciple of the Xiao Jiu Tian Wu Tao, or Little Nine Heaven Martial
Shrfu Coughlin started his martial arts training in
1981, at the age of 12. He began studying Uechi-Ryu
karate with various teachers, including Ted Kresge, Al
Ford, George Matteson, Frank Gorman and Ken Nakamatsu.
Shrfu trained in this style for 18 years receiving a
4th degree black belt and teaching certificate.   
Since 1981, Shrfu Coughlin has competed in many
martial arts tournaments, competing in forms, push hands and Lei Tai San Shou (full-contact fighting), winning many
In 1988, Shrfu Coughlin started training classic Yang
style Tai Ji and short Wu style Tai Ji with Roy Moy.   
Shrfu Coughlin traveled to Japan, Okinawa and Hong
Kong in 1991 for martial arts training. Ten years later, he traveled to Taiwan,
Republic of China, for the funeral of Grand Master Chiao Chang Hung. While there, Shrfu Coughlin visited places important to Master Chiao’s life and teaching, including the Yellow Emporer temple, where he taught, and the Kong Ga Lao Ren temple, where Master
Chiao studied Buddhism, among many other places. Also
while in Taiwan, Shrfu Coughlin received blessing from
H.H. Penor Rinpoche, who was
In 1993, Shrfu Coughlin began studying traditional
Chinese medicine at the Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
passing both the NCCAOM acupuncture and herbal exams. He graduated from the
institute in 1996, subsequently working with 40-year master Dr. Hua Cai
Wang for one year. In addition, Shrfu Coughlin worked
at North Side Hospital Pain Clinic as one of the first acupuncturists to have
hospital staff privileges in Florida. He also published a study for the National
Institute of Health on acupuncture; has owned two clinics; and worked in another
large clinic for three years, seeing over 25,000 patients. Currently he is a
diplomate in Oriental medicine
,acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by the National Certification
Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is in private
practice in Miramar Beach , FL. 

Coughlin is the Qi-gong and oriental medicine advisor
to the IKFF(international kettlebell and fitness federation) he is also a certified
kettlebell trainer and fitness and movement dynamics
specialist by the IKFF.   
Shrfu Coughlin also has studied Zen Buddhism and
Taoism with various teachers. He has learned many practices, including
Microcosmic Orbit, Iron Shirt Nei Kung and other
styles of Qi Gong and

Shrfu Coughlin was
initiated into the Palyul Nyingmapa tradition of
Tibetan Buddhism by Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso and has received
many empowerments and practices.   
In 2000, Shrfu Coughlin went into retreat for six
weeks at Palyul Monestary, in upstate New York,
learned Tsa Lung Tumo
(Tibetan yoga) with H.H. Penor Rinpoche and received empowerments. The following year,
Shrfu Coughlin went into retreat again. He learned the
preliminary practice of Dzogchen Thodgal meditation and also accomplished Phowa (consciousness transference) with the traditional sign
of inserting kushu grass into the crown chakra. In
2002, he received the entire Nam Cho Wang Chen (the great empowerment of the
vast dharma of space) consisting of over 800 empowerments from H.H. Penor Rinpoche over a 15 day
period, and received the actual practice of Dzogchen
Thodgal and Thekcho clear
light meditation at the Palyul summer retreat between the years 2000-2008 . From
Gochen Tulku Sang Ngak Rinpoche, Shrfu Coughlin received the empowerment of the Ghuyagharba Tantra. He also took
Ngakpa (tantrik yogi)
ordination, and has received Ngakpa ordination
personally from Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso and the Ven. Drikung ontul Ripoche. From Ven. Drikung Ontul Rinpoche, Shrfu Coughlin has received the rare Yang Zap Dzogchen teachings and other teachings.   
Shrfu Coughlin has been initated into the Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism by Khenpo Konchog Gyalten and received many empowerments and practices. He’s
also received empowerments and teachings from these other lamas: Karma kuchen Rinpoche, H.H. Chetseng Rinpoche, Garchen Rinpoche and Tulku Drakmar.   
In addition, Shrfu Coughlin trained in eastern and
western astrology, eastern and western alchemy, feng
shui and western mystical traditions by various